In the pit Friday, Graham music director Aaron Sherber led members of the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra in thrilling readings of Barber’s Medea and the 13-player version of Copland’s Appalachian Spring.
It hardly gets better than this! … [Sherber] was able to match to the “nth” degree the timing and mood of the dancers.
[T]he Virginia Symphony … responded to Sherber’s every demand, providing a rich musical tapestry.
[T]hrillingly alive … Credit the dance company’s conductor, Aaron Sherber, and the fine musicians.
Musical accompaniment by the American Symphony Orchestra under Aaron Sherber’s direction enhanced the evening.
What a pleasure to hear Gian Carlo Menotti’s score … conducted by the company’s scrupulous music director, Aaron Sherber.
There was live music alertly conducted by Aaron Sherber.
Aaron Sherber led the orchestra in a passionate performance of Dello Joio’s score.
What a joy to have a live orchestra, led with conviction by Aaron Sherber.
…it’s a special joy to have live music (Aaron Sherber conducting), and all concerned do Graham proud.
On the plus side [is the] orchestra conducted by the troupe’s music director, Aaron Sherber.
…performed live, as with all the music, under conductor Aaron Sherber’s sure hand.
Aaron Sherber [led] a flashing performance of Chabrier’s España.
Aaron Copland’s music, written as his “Ballet for Martha”, was warmly played by the Royal Ballet Sinfonia under Aaron Sherber.
Aaron Sherber … and his excellent instrumentalists brought authority, yes, balance.
[T]he chamber orchestra [was] expertly conducted by Aaron Sherber.
Errand Into the Maze [was] performed live on January 24 by a superb chamber orchestra led by Aaron Sherber.
Aaron Sherber again conducted a versatile chamber orchestra here, but also contributed new orchestrations to what was previously a piano score [for Maple Leaf Rag].
An even greater joy was the live music, conducted by Aaron Sherber, to which the [Martha Graham] company performed this feast of choreography.
Make no mistake about the music though: all night it was live, and very tight as conducted by [Martha Graham Dance Company] music director Aaron Sherber.
Conductor Aaron Sherber … kept the score [of Handel’s Agrippina] flowing vibrantly.
Conductor Aaron Sherber … tapped the score’s lyrical power. [Review of Amahl and the Night Visitors]
Sherber certainly has a sense of how the score should be played; his tempos balanced momentum with the time-suspension that helps make Pelléas distinctive.
When the conditions are right, when all the participants are fully engaged with the material, The Medium will get right under your skin and hit the goosebump button. So it was on Thursday. … Conductor Aaron Sherber fired up the score and never let the tension flag.
It was an extraordinary evening, a tide of exquisite performances … [U]nder the baton of the company’s music director, Aaron Sherber, [the musicians] provided sensitive readings of the Copland and other scores.
The gala opening of the Martha Graham Dance Company’s three-week season at the Joyce Theater on Tuesday night was strong on the stark and the spare. … Louis Horst’s deceptively simple and dolorous score [for Primitive Mysteries] … with Aaron Sherber conducting, propels the drama onstage.
The planets came together auspiciously in a celebration of Martha Graham’s art and legacy by the Library of Congress this weekend. … [I]n reproducing the context of the 1944 premiere [of Appalachian Spring], the library and the Graham company allowed for an especially intense performance. Aaron Sherber … gave the original score, not the enlarged orchestral score, a vivid reading.